Thursday, November 4, 2010

Is Biofuel The Future of This Industry?

Bio MCN, one of the leading biofuel manufacturers in the world, has over produced to supply the entire Dutch biofuel gasoline quota for 2010 and more. Biofuel gasoline is produced by vegetables and animal fat and is considered as a renewable energy since it is made from certain types of residue. The positive aspect that biofuel has is that it reduces 78% of the carbon dioxide emissions. This company focuses to expand and influence others around the world to invest in biofuels as well. They strongly believe that this is a great alternative to natural gas and that it could possibly be the future.

Though I am impressed by Bio MCN’s aspirations and accomplishments in expanding and encouraging biofuel, I do not think that it is neither the answer nor the future. All that biofuel does is replace natural gas, and to produce this biofuel natural gas is used. So in the end we are still using harmful substances. This biofuel is great for if and when we run out of oil, but others are looking to alternative resources that use wind, water, and solar to create energy. Burning biofuel can still harm the ozone layer since it is burned substances. It is a great start in looking into other forms of energy, but if this company wants to expand I think they should also consider other options.

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