Thursday, November 18, 2010

Informational Interview

Contact Name:
Jeffrey Upin

Contact Title:
General Counsel

International Green Power

• When I started my interview, I asked Mr. Upin what exactly his company does because I was a little confused based on what I read from the website. He immediately complimented me on my knowledge of his company because it showed I that I had a true interest in him and his company. He said that knowledge on the company is important for any job candidate.

• Venture capital firms, most notably Khlosa Ventures, have been investing huge sums of money into the green energy sector. With an emphasis on the fact that oil production is going to slow down, he says that this sector shows huge potential for growth. He notes Mutamax, which is a joint venture between BP and Dupont, as a result of the changing landscape. It hopes to create massive amounts biobutamol, a reproducible biofuel.

• When I asked him about investing, he told me that it is all about my preference in investing. For a high risk, high return investor, he would suggest biofuel companies. For a low risk, low reward investor, he suggests wind and solar companies.

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