Thursday, September 2, 2010

An Updated Clean-Coal Plant for Energy Suppliers to Invest in

As the environment faces climate change, people around the world including industries are looking at “going green” in pursuit to protect the world. One way that the Energy industry is doing this is through the FutureGen 2.0. This advance piece of technology helps cut greenhouse-gas emissions from coal fired power plants. The FutureGen 2.0 is made up of underground storage system that holds up to one million tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year. The FutureGen 2.0 is the revised plan of the original FutureGen, which lowered coal emissions through a process in which heat and pressure were applied to coal, also known as the coal gasification process.

Coal is a major aspect of the United State’s Energy supply. With creating a way to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, this coal power plant becomes more appealing to energy suppliers to invest in, since “going green” is the new rave. Though there are issues in where to set up the FutureGen storage system, it is seen to be one step closer to saving the environment.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds so scientific and futuristic, but they still haven't produced it. I see this as ploy by coal burning plants to call themselves green. It is a savvy business move and certainly good to put up on the highway billboards. I would rather hear about this after its completion. Regardless, I think that anytime coal is associated with green it cannot be a bad thing for the coal industry. But since this is only on the drawing board, I doubt many have heard about this system.
