Thursday, September 9, 2010

Petrobras has an oil production facility in the middle of the Amazon rainforest. It is as green as it gets in terms of oil drilling and refining. It is also very worker-friendly. They go so far as to call it “sustainable development”. They justify that phrase by including not only ecological but economic and social influences into the idea of sustainable. They have not only created many new and much greener techniques to extract oil but have also created over 1,800 jobs and even started a school to teach the workers how to read.

I think this plant is what all oil production facilities should be like. I wish that every plant would be like this plant. Maybe it is just a little dreamy though. But, it is possible that they could extend the lives of the fossil fuel industry if they would only be a little more concerned. Do you think the less concerned, short-term efficiency and profit approach taken by most oil companies is worth the risk of lost profits in the future due to a hastened move towards green energies?

1 comment:

  1. I think that many Energy companies are trying to follow Petrobras' path. Consumers are becoming more aware about our environment and what they do that harms it. As a result, this awareness drives consumers to take an initiative and find more eco-friendly suppliers. For an example, a lot of people are not going to BP for gas because of the spill, instead they are now going to go some place else. Energy companies use this as an advantage to find more ways they can increase consumer records. One way this is possible is being more aware with the environment like Petrobras.
