Wednesday, October 6, 2010

IBM Contributes to Energy

Two energy companies, Alstom and Ikerlan-Ik4, are investing in IBM’s high tech wind turbine control systems. These state of the art wind turbines consists of electronic sensors developed by IBM. The sensors play a key role in determining the wind direction, speed, temperature, and any other dynamics that contributes to the efficiency of the wind turbine. The central control systems keep track of each individual turbine and manages the power produced. They also record data from each turbine to have available. The central control system is also what attracts companies such as Alstom and Ikerlan-IK4 because it keeps them organized in what is going on with their power production. They also favor the turbine technology offered by IBM because they are able to customize the turbines according to the geographic location and climates.

I believe it is great that IMB is expanding their business in order to contribute to helping the Earth. Apple contributes by recycling electronics, but IBM contributes by applying their technological innovations to renewable energy. These innovations can really help in making alternative energy more effective and also help the world’s transition into renewable energy more quickly. Though I am impressed by IBM’s contribution, I am not surprised by this innovation. I had already believed that wind turbines in general were originally connected to a central system wirelessly. So this innovation does not surprise me, but it could just be a small step to something greater that IBM has in mind.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you posted this. While wind, solar, and other renewable energy sources appear exciting and viable right now, they still have flaws as any other source does. This is good news because it will only improve this technology and make it a stronger contender in the renewable energy debate. This example of IBM investing in a renewable energy source also shows something that many people have denied. The private sector can indeed help innovate and produce new renewable energy sources. Investment in this sort of technology does not have to all rest on the government's shoulders.
